Thursday, November 20, 2008

Arcade Project Update

Here is few update on our arcade project...

First, We may use open source, free Linx games instead of arcade roms with emulator. Since it's more suitable for the LUX source and more games variety, flexibility. And the best thing is license.

Second, instead of using any serial port, paralle port to connect controllers. We plan to use keyboard and solider controllers wires to a keyboard. Thank you John Selmys for donating a keyboard to us. ^^

Third, we may put a ear phone plug and volumn control for the sound system. This will reduce the distraction if we put our arcade in a PC lab.

PC monitor or TV?
Now we have not deside which one to use yet. I believe they both have their advantages and dis-advantages..

PC monitor:
= Adv: better resoulution, easier to configurate
= DisAdv: need hardware installation, less "arcade feel"
= Adv: more arcade feel
= DisAdv: need to buy hardware to support TV dual to different refreshing frequency

Nameing the Arcade Machine
Then it's the arcade name. There are 9 names proposed from our class and professors. Please go to our talk page to vote for the name. You can have maximum 5 vote for any name, but only one for each name.

Name the Arcade Machine

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